- In the past seven years the City has aggressively sought and received more than 100 grants totaling more than $70 million for projects in the areas listed below
- Grant funding from several sources that never has to be paid back and does not impact the general fund
- Grant funds allow the City to provide services and programs to the residents of the City of Lindsay that the City would not otherwise be able to provide without those funds
- City has aggressively sought and received approximately 25 – 30 different housing grants
- Those grants have benefitted over 500 homeowners and over 400 rental units without impacting the City’s general fund
- The City Council has specifically sought to attract Correctional Officers, Public Safety Professionals, School Teacher, Medical Professionals, City Employees, Military personnel, and other middle income
- City has aggressively sought and received several grants for downtown revitalization
- City developed a facade program that has benefitted more than many local businesses
- Created a centralized meeting place that draws out of town business and promotes a safe and comfortable atmosphere.
- Created nearly 200 local resident jobs through various grant resources during construction
Roads / Sidewalks / Street Trees
- The City has aggressively sought and received several grants for new and existing roads, sidewalks, and street trees
- City has begun extensive plan to resurface roads throughout Lindsay, which has already begun
- City has replaced existing damaged sidewalks, constructed new sidewalks, and plant hundreds of street trees
Public Safety
- City has aggressively sought and received approximately 20 grants for public safety personnel, infrastructure, and equipment
- City has enlarged the Public Safety Department without impacting the general fund through the reduction of overtime, increased training, and innovative programs
- Longevity through competitive salary and benefit package, which has increased experience and knowledge level by keeping and maintaining tenured employees
Economic Development
- City has aggressively sought and received several grants for economic development
- City created an Enterprise Zone that has attracted several businesses increasing the City’s tax base and enlarging the general fund. Encourages Lindsay resident preference.
- City has assisted the Marmalade Company, Arts Custom Cabinets, HIT Products, Tulare Frozen Foods, and NDS
- City created an incubator program to assist local businesses with startup costs
McDermont Field House
- McDermont is self sustaining through memberships, sponsorships, and other sales
- City has aggressively sought and received several grants for McDermont that has not impacted the general fund
- McDermont Field House created many jobs
- McDermont Field House created several businesses
- Created nearly 200 local resident jobs through various grant resources during construction
Parks / Sports Fields
- City has aggressively sought and received several grants to develop and improve several new and existing parks and sports fields
- City has developed and created Sweet Brier Plaza
- Currently in the process of revitalizing and improving the City Park
- Improved and opened the Lindsay Aquatic Center
- Created nearly 200 local resident jobs through freeze relief funding to complete park and sport field projects
- Grants USDA match
- City entered a joint use agreement with Tulare County for the new Lindsay Library
- Tulare County paid $750,000 to the City of Lindsay for the use of the Library building plus $750,000 match from USDA (1.5 million dollar project)
- USDA grant funding completed final design portion of landscape project.
Wellness Center / Aquatic Center
- City has aggressively sought and received several grants for the Aquatic Center and Wellness Center
- City has partnered with the Lindsay Hospital Board for development and construction of Wellness Center and City Pool
- Wellness Center will provide several different medical services to the residents of the City of Lindsay that are not currently provided
- City ground water is undrinkable
- Therefore, the City purchases water from the only source available, the Friant Kern Canal, which is not treated
- The City treats the water and provides the treated water to the residents of Lindsay