Membership Directory Instructions


Step 1
In order to have a directory listing, members must have an account on our website. Please contact us at (559) 562-4929 and we will be happy to set up an account with you. You will receive an email to verify your account. The email will have your user name and password which you will need to sign in to access your directory listing.

After you are registered, log in to the site using the login window at the lower left column on the home page.

Step 2
Navigate to the home page, click on the Business Directory link under the Membership Section of the top menu bar. Navigate to the first letter of your company name, find your listing, and click on the business name (It will be bold orange color). A next page will have your individual business information. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Report Listing” link.
Step 3
In Report Type, select the “I am the Owner of this Listing” option. In the message field, type a message, phone number or the email to contact you. Once we receive your request to claim the listing and validate it with your registered account, we will synchronize the account and listing. You will then receive a contact notification regarding your account activation and listing synchronization.


Step 1
Log into the website. (Login form located in the left column on the front page)
Step 2
When you login, you will be presented with your profile page. Which will look like this:









These settings can be edited to provide a more personalized experience. You can add your photo, your Twitter posts, and view forum responses, and any connections or messages you may have received.



There will also be the link to your directory listing. Here, you can preview your listing or edit it. To edit your listing, click on the orange edit button.


Step 3
An Entry Form will open with the information available on your listing. You can edit any information you chose. There are Eight Sections in this form: Contact Information, Description, Map, Images, Media File, Logo, Metadata, and Categories. You can find a short explanation of each section below.

Contact Information:
The page that appears is an entry form (most of which has been filled out for you). The information includes: Company *, Street *, Postcode *, City *, County *, Federal State *, Country*, Email, Website, Contact Person, Phone, Fax, and Cell Phone. Items with an asterisk are required. You can make any corrections or additions you like.

The Description is where you can enter the main part of your Directory Listing. This is a very simple text editor, where you can change the type styles (bold, italic, size) and formatting (center, flush text right, or left). The text editor editor operates similar to Microsoft Word or Word Perfect. Icons at the top include such items as Bold, Add Image, and more. If you hold your mouse pointer over an icon, a description of its function will appear. All are self-explanatory, except the “Add Image” function. If you would like an image to appear in the text, follow the instructions below. Note that you also have a Photo Gallery if you prefer to have multiple images.
To add an image, place your curser in the area of text you would like it to go. Click on the Add Image Icon (looks like a little TV) and a pop-up box opens showing the images that are already on the website. To upload your own image, locate the Icon with an arrow pointing up (it is right above the words “Details.” It will give you the option to browse your computer for the file you want to add.
Click Upload and the photo will appear in the list in bold. Click on the name of the item you uploaded.    The image properties will be filled in for you. Select the alignment options you would like to use and set the space around the image. Then click insert. The image will appear within the text.


Feel free to get as descriptive as you like.

A link to your map on Google Maps already appears once your street address has been added to your listing. This is an advanced option to provide an image of a Google Map directly on your page. Skip this option for now. (Once you’re familiar with editing your page you can come back and add a map, instructions can be found here.)

Image Gallery:
Click on the Browse tab to add a photograph or image to your image gallery. You may also fill in the file description to provide a caption for your item. You may use jpg, png, or gif formats for your images. Please keep the size within 700×700 pixels or less.

Media File:
If you have a file you would like to make available, you may upload the files here. File formats can include pdfs, text, rich text, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft Word. The best option is to use pdf formatted files so that everyone can open the document. You can also include video formats such as Quick Time.

Logo and Icons:
Click on the Browse button to upload your logo image. (jpg, gif or png formats). The image should be 300×300 pixels or less.  Click on the Browse button to upload your icon image. (jpg, gif or png formats). The image should be 100×100 pixels or less.

Meta Data:
Keywords (Optional): Write words that people might choose when searching for your business. Providing keywords on your business or group will increase your ranking in search engines such as Google and Yahoo.
Description (Optional): Write one sentence describing the services you provide. Providing a short description on your business or group will increase your ranking in search engines such as Google and Yahoo.

We have set up the category for you, so you can skip this area. But, if you would like to change it or add your listing to other categories (up to 5) see below.


In the column on the right is the category we have placed your listing in. To remove it, click on the category and click the arrows pointing to the left <<<<<. (Note: you must appear in at least one category.

To add a category, click on the category name and click the arrows pointing to the right. Additional subcategories can be accessed by clicking on the + icon next to the main categories. For instance Restaurants also have Bakeries, Cocktail Lounges, and Ice Cream Distributors.

Step 4
Click on the Terms of Use Check box (a link to the terms of use agreement will open in a new window for you to review).
When you’re finished. Click on the orange “Send” Button.
A preview of your listing will appear. If you choose to make more changes you can click on the edit button at the bottom of your preview. You will also receive an email that your listing has been changed.